Conference Day Two | Thursday, July 25, 2024

8:00 am Morning Coffee & Networking

9:00 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Peptide Power-Up: Optimizing Post-Translational Modifications and Polymorphism Downstream for Enhanced Product Stability & Efficacy

9:15 am Overcoming Complexity in Navigating Post-Translation Modifications of Synthetic Peptides


  • Tackling the complexity of larger peptides which requires the careful consideration of secondary structures, stereochemistry, and incorporation of non-natural elements
  • Balancing precision and integrity to achieve precise modifications while maintaining peptide structure integrity
  • Incorporating reactive handles during synthesis streamlines post-synthetic modifications, facilitating diverse chemical transformations post-synthesis

9:45 am Understanding the Impact of Peptide Polymorphism on Downstream Process Development


  • Exploring the diverse structural forms of peptides and how variations in conformational states can influence critical quality attributes (CQAs) and downstream processing parameters
  • Discussing the challenges associated with polymorphism in peptide purification and proposing strategies to mitigate risks and ensure consistent product quality
  • Addressing the regulatory implications of peptide polymorphism on drug development, emphasizing the importance of robust control strategies, analytical methodologies, and risk assessment frameworks to ensure product safety, efficacy, and compliance

10:15 am Break & Networking

Strategies for Mitigating Impurities and Aggregates in Peptide Development: Proactive Monitoring to Minimize Immunogenicity Risks

11:00 am Mitigating Aggregation & Contaminant Risks in Peptide Process Development: Strategies for Enhanced Manufacturing Efficiency and Product Quality


  • Focusing on minimizing aggregation during downstream processing and fill & finish operations, while also monitoring physical stress and implementing control measures to prevent aggregation
  • Developing and implementing relevant analytical and orthogonal characterization methods to characterize aggregates and particulates
  • Monitoring and evaluating Extractables and Leachables (E&Ls) from manufacturing equipment and container-closure systems to minimize potential toxicity and immunogenicity risks associated with genotoxic and carcinogenic substances

11:30 am Immunogenicity Risk Assessment of Synthetic Peptide Drugs & Their Impurities

  • Brian Roberts Director - Scientific & PreClinical Immunology, EpiVax


  • Peptide drugs serve vital therapeutic roles across medicine, with over 80 approved for human use, careful monitoring of impurities must be implemented
  • FDA proposes of new pathways like the Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) to hasten access to generic peptide drugs, emphasizing the need to monitor and disclose new impurities due to potential immunogenicity risks
  • EpiXav is uncovering the framework for assessing the immunogenicity risk of various bioactive peptide products, crucial for ensuring the safety and advancing peptide drug development

12:10 pm Lunch

Manufacturing Optimization for Peptide Production & Critical CMC Considerations for Quality and Sustainability

1:10 pm Navigating Peptide Process Development for Cell Therapy: From Mechanism of Action to Clinical Realization


  • Understanding the process of eliciting specific T cells through peptide-based cell therapy, outlining its framework and potential impact
  • Bridging Preclinical Data to Clinical Trials: Bridge between the preclinical data to the clinical trials, showcasing key learnings that led to process optimization
  • Unveiling the intricacies of manufacturing peptides for cell therapy, detailing the manufacturing process, release testing, and encountered challenges, offering valuable insights for navigating CMC hurdles

1:40 pm Process Mass Intensity (PMI): A Holistic Analysis in Current Peptide Manufacturing Processes, Informing Sustainability in Peptide Synthesis


  • Comparison of PMI across various manufacturing methods, including solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) and liquid-phase peptide synthesis (LPPS)
  • Identifying key areas for process optimization, including purification strategies and solvent selection
  • Examination of solvent usage and exploration of solutions to mitigate environmental impact while maintaining process efficiency and product quality

2:10 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

2:30 pm End of Conference